Sarah Jun 22, 2018

Why Our Faith in Decentralized Poker is Stronger than Ever

While cryptocurrency markets (and all financial markets for that matter) are in constant flux, our team’s efforts to bring decentralized poker the mainstream player is a constant upward trend our community can always rely on. Our mission, above else, is to develop a platform that addresses the most prevalent issues in poker using the incredible Why Our Faith in Decentralized Poker is Stronger than Ever


While cryptocurrency markets (and all financial markets for that matter) are in constant flux, our team’s efforts to bring decentralized poker the mainstream player is a constant upward trend our community can always rely on.

Our mission, above else, is to develop a platform that addresses the most prevalent issues in poker using the incredible potential of blockchain technology. We use CHP tokens to simplify transactions to and from player accounts, and will be fully decentralizing our random number generator (RNG) this summer to give players the transparency they’ve been demanding for years.

CoinPoker’s faith in CHP tokens has less to do with market speculation, but in the fact that our platform offers a superior gaming experience in terms of entertainment, security, and convenience that traditional online poker rooms do.

The CoinPoker Developments Designed to Drive Value Up

Aside from offering players a revolutionary feature to view their impact on a decentralized card shuffler, our team has been working tirelessly to meet and exceed the quality of services offered by our “centralized” competitors.

The release of our Android app this year, and the iOS app coming this summer, have taken high priority. Given the massive proportion of users who enjoy playing poker on the go, we are confident in the positive effect this will have on the value we offer our fans and, in turn, our CHP token as an investment.

But it’s not just about tech, our marketing team is continuously on the hunt for partnerships that will boost variety and give our players a chance to join in on high profile events like the Asian Poker Tour, Japanese Poker Cup, and World Series of Poker.

A Strong Community is the Key to an Even Stronger Product

The dissatisfaction with the mainstream poker world stems from one umbrella reason: they have lost interest in the thoughts and opinions of their users. The CoinPoker community is at the heart of every feature we work on, and are our biggest inspiration when planning large scale events like ETH Madness tournaments and the first ever Crypto Series of Poker (CSOP).

However, there’s no denying the fact that one of our biggest challenges is helping our community become familiar and comfortable with the use of cryptocurrencies. Our team tackles this by offering support beyond the poker table, walking players through transfers, setting up an e-wallet, and sharing guides to using exchanges as well as warnings about common crypto scams.

Keep in Mind That We’re Just Getting Started

Needless to say, blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies are in their infancy. This new sphere brings plenty of new and exciting possibilities as it approaches mainstream adoption, and we plan on being around for as long as that takes and beyond.

Members of the community who joined us early on have seen firsthand the power of a passionate team, and how much progress can be made when ambition and standards are high. We’d like to thank them for their ongoing support, and remind our newer fans that while success doesn’t happen overnight, we’re doing everything in our power to realize our vision for CoinPoker as the biggest and most innovative poker platform on the web.

For a complete report of what our team will be working on in the near future read the full 2018 summer roadmap here. For day to day updates join our community on Telegram and meet fellow believers in our cause: bringing the game back to players.
