Sarah Feb 05, 2018

Get CHP Tokens on AllCoin: Our Newest Exchange

For these past few days, you have all been asking for the first exchanges in which you can get CHP. Today, we are proud to tell you we have been listed in! Our CHP tokens can be exchanged for and/or to CK.USD, BTC or ETH at these rates: 1CHP=0.31461999998426904 CK.USD 1CHP=0.00003083629142702962 BTC 1CHP=0.0002857142857 ETH Get CHP Tokens on AllCoin: Our Newest Exchange


For these past few days, you have all been asking for the first exchanges in which you can get CHP. Today, we are proud to tell you we have been listed in!

Our CHP tokens can be exchanged for and/or to CK.USD, BTC or ETH at these rates:

  • 1CHP=0.31461999998426904 CK.USD
  • 1CHP=0.00003083629142702962 BTC
  • 1CHP=0.0002857142857 ETH

If you’re looking for guides on how to exchange cryptocurrency at, they have a guide on buying here, and a guide on selling here.

Please keep in mind that these are starting prices that will change and fluctuate over time.

Today, became the second exchange that we signed with. Being listed on AllCoin will allow everyone who was, for whichever reason, unable to participate in our ICO to buy CHPs freely and enjoy the action in our poker room!

Now that all those interested to buy will be able to do so easily via this exchange, some people may be looking to withdraw their CHP to an ETH wallet. Although this feature is currently unavailable, our expanded developer team is working hard to make sure we’ll be introducing it shortly.

On top of that, we are planning to announce being listed on more exchanges (including bigger ones) within a couple of weeks. It is all still being worked on, but we’re in the final stages of this process, so stay tuned! You can read more about us signing with our first exchange — Bankera — in this article that was published a week earlier.

Working on this project is an amazing experience, and we have all of you to thank for it. Your trust in CoinPoker is essential in keeping us just as motivated on making a better place for poker today as it did on day one.
