Johan Jan 07, 2020

First TonyG Bike Ride recap and a view from the winner’s perspective

We couldn’t have asked for a better response and success with the inaugural TonyG Bike Ride which had 1 BTC added in prize money and bounty along with the 1 million CHP guaranteed prize pool, a guarantee which was surpassed by a mile. In total, the event generated an astonishing 2,3 million CHP which was First TonyG Bike Ride recap and a view from the winner’s perspective


We couldn’t have asked for a better response and success with the inaugural TonyG Bike Ride which had 1 BTC added in prize money and bounty along with the 1 million CHP guaranteed prize pool, a guarantee which was surpassed by a mile. In total, the event generated an astonishing 2,3 million CHP which was paid out to the lucky winners. This is exactly how we wanted to end 2019, on a high note.

If this wasnt a good note to end the year with, we also saw records breaking in our community contribution.

Second time playing at Coinpoker, knocks out TonyG

There were a lot of new and old players participating in this astonishing event, especially since it had 1BTC added, on top of the guaranteed CHP prize pool. One of those players was Rec98, who not only managed to knock out TonyG from the event, earning himself the bounty but also claiming first place in the event, taking home a grand slam.

The winning hand at Coinpokers Xmas Bike Ride with Tony G
Winning hand in the Xmas Bike Ride

If that wasn’t enough, with 18 players left in the event, Rec98 was dead last sitting with less then 3BB in front. But as they say, all you need is a chip and a chair and magic can happen and this was truly the case here, as he managed to turn it around and walk away with a first prize worth over 600,000 CHP.

We had the opportunity to speak with Rec98 after his win to get his comments on the event.

How long have you played poker?

– Just a little over two years now, but its primarily been live cash poker. I rarely play tournaments, and this was like the second event I played in the past 6 months. I just wanted the chance to play against TonyG.

Have you played at Coinpoker for a long time?

– To be honest, this was only the second time playing here.

What made you decide to open an account at Coinpoker?

– Two reasons really, one was my brother who was already playing there and the other was because of TonyG.

How did you first hear about Coinpoker?

– That’s all thanks to Triton Poker series, which I watched on Youtube. When I saw TonyG wearing the Coinpoker badge I got curious, so I looked it up. I really like who he is and the way he plays as I´ve seen him in previous videos and events. Him wearing the badge was enough for me to peak my interest.

How did it feel knocking TonyG off his bike?

– It was truly the highlight of my poker career. Knocking out a legend like him, in an event like this is, was indescribable.  

The moment when TonyG was knocked out of the 1BTC added Xmas Bike Ride at Coinpoker
TonyG gets knocked out of the Xmas Bike Ride

Do you have anything special planned with your winnings?

– I’ll add most of it to my bankroll but might take a trip using some of the winnings. I haven’t decided yet.  

How did you enjoy the software? I saw you were playing on your phone at 4 am, how was that like?

– The software was pretty good but I did miss the ability to change default bet sizes. Also, being new to the app I wasnt able to find how to open re-player during the tournament

With the success of this Bike Ride event, we are now looking towards the future and how we could potentially offer something similar, for our players to enjoy. The coming months are going to be exciting ones, so make sure you keep an eye on our blog, Twitter, Instagram or Facebook, to receive the latest updates and news from us at Coinpoker. Things you can expect are more thrilling promotions, additional in-app features, and new games.

Triton Highlights coming

We will soon publish some highlight reels from Triton Poker and TonyGs appearance in the series with the first post to come this week so stay tuned for that.

Have a question? Feel free to drop the comment below or join our growing community on Telegram.
