
Hold'em Daily Rewards

Participez au classement quotidien Hold’em pour avoir une chance de gagner ! Chaque jour, les 15 meilleurs joueurs reçoivent des prix allant de 250 ₮ à 10 ₮. Restez à jour avec des mises à jour de flux en temps réel toutes les 10 secondes…

Consultez le classement en direct ci-dessous pour le classement d’aujourd’hui, ainsi que les résultats des quatre jours précédents.

Vivez le frisson de participer au classement quotidien Hold’em de CoinPoker ! Gagnez une part de la cagnotte quotidienne de 1 000 ₮ et voyez comment vous vous situez par rapport aux autres joueurs. De plus, ne manquez pas nos offres spéciales : explorez les détails pour 33 % de rakeback et visez le Bad Beat Jackpot pour rejoindre l’action !

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions
  1. Daily Prize Pool: The Hold’em Daily Leaderboard features a ₮1,000 prize pool, awarded daily.
  2. Leaderboard Calculation: Leaderboard points are earned based on performance in Hold’em cash games. Points are calculated using coefficients that vary depending on the stakes and are awarded for each big blind completed by the player. The breakdown is as follows:
    • NL2: 1 point for each big blind collected in Community Contributions (CC)
    • NL5: 1.75 points for each big blind
    • NL10: 3.25 points for each big blind
    • NL25: 8 points for each big blind
    • NL50: 15 points for each big blind
    • NL100: 24 points for each big blind
    • NL200+: 36 points for each big blind
  3. Eligible Games: The Hold’em Daily Leaderboard includes applies to NLH cash game tables. Heads Up tables below ₮1,000 buy-in are NOT included.
  4. Leaderboard Duration: The leaderboard runs daily, starting at 00:00 GMT and ending at 23:59 GMT.
  5. Prize Distribution: Prizes will be awarded to the top players on the leaderboard within 72 hours of the end of each day’s competition.
  6. Tiebreaker: In the event of a tie in leaderboard points, the player with higher winnings in tournaments or cash games will rank higher. If winnings are equal, rankings will be determined randomly.
  7. Leaderboard Points Allocation: Points are allocated at the moment of buy-in. If a player buys in before the end of the leaderboard period but buys out after, points for that session will be allocated to the previous day’s leaderboard.
  8. Fair Play Policy: CoinPoker reserves the right to disqualify players engaged in any form of game abuse or misconduct from leaderboard competitions.
  9. Modification of Terms: CoinPoker may modify or update these terms and conditions at any time, at its sole discretion.

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