Bad Beat彩池
2025 年度亮點:
🎰 15 次 Bad Beat 彩池獎金(BBJ)
💰 總獎金 $75,000
我們希望你能盡情享受 CoinPoker 的遊戲體驗,所以本團隊正在降低你輸錢的機率!不過到底是怎麼做到呢?我們熱烈地向你介紹 Bad Beat 彩池獎金!
Bad Beat 彩池獎金的觸發條件是:
一手非常好的牌被更好的牌擊敗,具體細節可以在下方的條款和條件中找到。要觸發彩金,至少需要 三名玩家 在手牌開始時被發牌,你必須使用自己的兩張底牌組成最終的輸牌組合。
現金桌遊戲產生的 2.5% 抽水 將用於彩金池。此活動適用於 所有現金桌遊戲,你可以隨意選擇座位!
當彩金被觸發時,同桌所有玩家都會獲得獎勵! 也就是說,你只需要參與到觸發 Bad Beat 彩池獎金 的手牌中,就能獲得彩金分成!
Date | Stakes/Game | Amount Paid ($) | Losing Hand | Winning Hand |
08/01/2024 | $0.02/$0.05 Holdem | $2,441 | Four of a Kind Sevens | Royal Flush |
09/01/2024 | $0.10/$0.25 Holdem | $11,943 | Four of a Kind Queens | Royal Flush |
06/02/2024 | $0.25/$0.50 Holdem | $24,351 | Straight Flush Eight High | Straight Flush Jack High |
09/02/2024 | $0.5/$1 Holdem | $33,554 | Full House, Aces over Kings | Four of Kind Aces |
09/02/2024 | $0.02/$0.05 Holdem | $1,027 | Full House, Aces over Kings | Four of Kind Aces |
19/02/2024 | $0.02/$0.05 Holdem | $1,120 | Full House, Aces over Kings | Four of a Kind Kings |
02/03/2024 | $0.5/$1 Holdem | $23,634 | Full House, Aces over Kings | Four of Kind Aces |
05/03/2024 | $0.5/$1 Holdem | $13,956 | Full House, Aces over Kings | Four of Kind Aces |
07/03/2024 | $0.02/$0.05 Holdem | $467 | Four of a Kind Threes | Straight Flush Jack High |
21/03/2024 | $0.25/$0.50 Holdem | $6,725 | Four of a Kind sixes | Four of a Kind Nines |
27/03/2024 | $0.05/$0.10 Holdem | $1,169 | Full House, Aces over Kings | Four of a Kind Aces |
02/04/2024 | $0.25/$0.50 Holdem | $6,601 | Four of a Kind Sevens | Four of a Kind Nines |
06/04/2024 | $1/$2 5PLO | $4,385 | Straight Flush Jack High | Straight Flush King High |
16/04/2024 | $0.5/$1 Holdem | $13,125 | Four of a Kind sixes | Four of a Kind Jacks |
24/04/2024 | $0.5/$1 Holdem | $15,750 | Full House, Aces over Kings | Four of Kind Aces |
02/05/2024 | $0.05/$0.1 NLH | $1,534 | Full House, Aces over Kings | Four of Kind Aces |
10/05/2024 | $0.10/$0.25 5PLO | $1,938 | Straight Flush, Ten High | Royal Flush |
15/05/2024 | $0.5/$1 Holdem | $19,714 | Four of a Kind Threes | Four of a Kind Fours |
18/05/2024 | $0.02/$0.05 Holdem | $643 | Four of a Kind Twos | Four of a Kind Fives |
23/05/2024 | $0.10/$0.25 Holdem | $4,058 | Full House, Aces over Kings | Four of a Kind Aces |
30/05/2024 | $0.05/$0.10 Holdem | $2,068 | Full House, Aces over Kings | Royal Flush |
04/06/2024 | $2.5/$5 5PLO | $9,654 | Straight Flush, Jack High | Straight Flush, King High |
14/06/2024 | $0.02/$0.05 Holdem | $1,486 | Full House, Aces over Kings | Royal Flush |
17/06/2024 | $0.25/$0.50 Holdem | $16,003 | Full House, Aces over Kings | Four of a Kind Aces |
01/07/2024 | $0.10/$0.25 Holdem | $8,276 | Four of a Kind Nines | Straight Flush, Jack High |
01/07/2024 | $0.10/$0.25 Holdem | $7,246 | Four of a Kind Fives | Four of a Kind Eights |
02/07/2024 | $0.02/$0.05 Holdem | $1,298 | Four of a Kind Eights | Four of Kind Aces |
05/07/2024 | $2.5/$5 5PLO | $10,727 | Straight Flush, Jack High | Straight Flush, King High |
06/07/2024 | $0.25/$0.50 Holdem | $10,894 | Full House, Aces over Kings | Four of a Kind Kings |
12/07/2024 | $0.10/$0.25 Holdem | $5,193 | Full House, Aces over Kings | Four of a Kind Kings |
15/07/2024 | $0.02/$0.05 5PLO | $311 | Straight Flush, Queen High | Royal Flush |
18/07/2024 | $0.25/$0.50 Holdem | $8408 | Four of a Kind Twos | Four of a Kind Sevens |
22/07/2024 | $0.10/$0.25 Holdem | $3675 | Four of a Kind Sixes | Straight Flush, Eight High |
24/07/2024 | $0.02/$0.05 Holdem | $701 | Four of a Kind Tens | Royal Flush |
25/07/2024 | $0.05/$0.10 Holdem | $1415 | Full House, Aces over Kings | Four of a Kind Aces |
25/07/2024 | $0.25/$0.50 Holdem | $6821 | Full House, Aces over Kings | Four of a Kind Aces |
28/07/2024 | $1/$2 5PLO | $4780 | Straight Flush, Ten High | Straight Flush, Queen High |
29/07/2024 | $0.10/$0.25 Holdem | $2919 | Four of a Kind Jacks | Straight Flush, Queen High |
31/07/2024 | $0.25/$0.50 Holdem | $5906 | Full House, Aces over Kings | Four of a Kind Aces |
05/08/2024 | $0.5/$1 Holdem | $12,146 | Four of a Kind Sevens | Straight Flush, Eight High |
08/08/2024 | $0.25/$0.50 Holdem | $4594 | Full House, Aces over Kings | Four of a Kind Kings |
08/08/2024 | $0.02/$0.05 Holdem | $360 | Straight Flush, Queen High | Royal Flush |
10/08/2024 | $0.02/$0.05 PLO | $167 | Straight Flush, Nine High | Straight Flush, Jack High |
12/08/2024 | $2.5/$5 Holdem | $9130 | Full House, Aces over Kings | Four of Kind Aces |
12/08/2024 | $0.25/$0.50 Holdem | $2850 | Full House, Aces over Kings | Four of a Kind Kings |
18/08/2024 | $0.25/$0.50 Holdem | $3238 | Straight Flush, Six High | Straight Flush, Nine High |
23/08/2024 | $0.25/$0.50 Holdem | $8113 | Full House, Aces over Kings | Four of Kind Aces |
31/08/2024 | $0.10/$0.25 Holdem | $4943 | Full House, Aces over Kings | Four of Kind Aces |
02/09/2024 | $10/$20 Holdem | $17718 | Four of a Kind Sixes | Four of a Kind Eights |
04/09/2024 | $0.50/$1 Holdem | $10,868 | Four of Kind Tens | Royal Flush |
06/09/2024 | $0.50/$1 Holdem | $7581 | Full House, Aces over Kings | Four of Kind Aces |
查看下方 Bad Beat 彩池獎金 的詳情。
請仔細閱讀 條款和條件,確保你符合本次活動的參與資格。
- 所有現金桌均符合參加此促銷活動的資格。
- 所有現金桌遊戲中產生的社群貢獻(Community Contributions)中,2.5%將用於BadBeat彩池獎金(BBJ)。
- 要符合BBJ條件的牌局需滿足以下要求:
- 至少有3位玩家在牌局開始時收到手牌。/li>
- 該牌局必須進行到攤牌階段。
- 必須是第一次開公共牌——若採用「開兩次牌」的規則,只有第一次開牌的結果符合條件。
- 贏家與輸家必須都使用兩張底牌來完成符合條件的組合。
- 主池是觸發BBJ的唯一依據,邊池不計入考慮。
- 要符合BBJ條件的牌局需滿足以下要求:
- 輸牌的最低要求將根據遊戲類型而改變:
- 無限注德州撲克(No Limit Holdem)
- 至少需要AAAKK或更高
- 無限注德州撲克(No Limit Holdem)
- 奧馬哈撲克(PLO)
- 同花順
- 奧馬哈撲克(PLO)
- 五張牌奧馬哈撲克(5PLO)
- 同花順(3-7)或更高
- 五張牌奧馬哈撲克(5PLO)
- 輸牌的最低要求將根據遊戲類型而改變:
- Bad Beat彩池獎金(BBJ)的支付比例將根據不同的賭注和遊戲類型而有所變化:
- 注額:0.02/0.05 – NLH: 2,5%; PLO: 1,25%; 5PLO: 1%
- 注額:0.05/0.10 – NLH: 5%; PLO: 2,5%; 5PLO: 2%
- 注額:0.10/0.25 – NLH: 12,5%; PLO: 6,25%; 5PLO: 5%
- 注額:0.25/0.50 – NLH: 25%; PLO: 12,5%; 5PLO: 10%
- 注額:0.50/1 and above – NLH: 45%; PLO: 25%; 5PLO: 20%
- Bad Beat彩池獎金(BBJ)的支付比例將根據不同的賭注和遊戲類型而有所變化:
- 當Bad Beat彩池獎金(BBJ)條件滿足後,總獎金將按以下方式分配給牌桌上的玩家:
- 50%分配給該手牌的輸家(輸家份額)。
- 20%分配給該手牌的贏家(贏家份額)。
- 20%平均分配給參與該手牌的其他玩家(從牌局開始時就收到手牌的玩家)(牌桌份額)。
- 10%作為管理費,用於執行和管理此促銷活動。
- 當Bad Beat彩池獎金(BBJ)條件滿足後,總獎金將按以下方式分配給牌桌上的玩家:
- 如果有兩名或以上的玩家符合贏家份額的條件,更好的牌的玩家將獲得贏家份額,而牌較差的玩家將獲得牌桌份額。如果兩名玩家的牌相同,贏家份額將在符合條件的玩家之間平分。
- 如果有兩名或以上的玩家符合輸家份額的條件,更好的牌的玩家將獲得輸家份額,而牌較差的玩家將獲得牌桌份額。如果兩名玩家的牌相同,輸家份額將在符合條件的玩家之間平分。
- Bad Beat彩池獎金的牌局將接受安全審查,並在72小時內完成支付。
- CoinPoker保留隨時停止或取消此促銷活動的權利。
- 若發現任何形式的牌桌規則違規行為,CoinPoker保留排除任何玩家參加此促銷活動並拒絕支付獎金的權利,且無需提供進一步解釋。